This year Ukraine will host the Eurovisiong Song Contest 2017 after 12 years again…
Before the competition several petitions about killing the street animals were sent to the german channel NDR, to EBU and to the mayor of Kiev.
The Animals Rights is worrying about the fact that street dogs will be killed for keeping the streets clean because of the visitors . In 2012 Thousands of street dogs were killed brutally for UEFA Euro 2012. Therefore Animal Rights is afraid because they fear that Ukraine will apply the same strategy again.
There are proofs, that the Dog Hunters already started with catching und killing the street dogs.
The reply from EBU is,that this issue is in the responsibility of the municipality.
The entertainment coordinator from the german channel ARD will speak about the topic dogkilling at the delegation meeting, which will in march take place in Kiev.
This topic appeared also in 2009 in Moskow and in 2012 in Baku.
You can support campaign from here.