Imamo sjajne vesti! Veoma smo srećni da objavimo da će nam se Češka ponovo pridružiti 2015!
Posle pet godina pauze, Češka Republika će nam se konačno vratiti i učiniti svoju Evrovizijsku porodicu još potpunijom. Pretpostavljamo da je češka televizija veoma srećna što se ponovo vratila u ovako divno takmičenje. Češka je nastupala tri puta u prethodnim godinama, i svake put nas iznenađivala unikatnim zvukom, a svojim nastupom nam uvek pokazivala nešto novo. Sigurni smo da će nas i ovoga puta oduševiti kvalitetom svoga nastupa i da će doneti energiju karakterističnu samo za svoju zemlju. Čuli smo da su veoma ponosni na ovogodišnji odabir pesme i uvereni smo da će zasijati. Pesmu će birati stručni žiri. Njima će biti predstavljeno 5 pesama, koje su komponovane od strane dobro poznatih kompozitora. Sigurni smo da će dobro odraditi svoj posao. Češka je prvi put nastupila na Evroviziji 2007 godine, kada su nastupili sa “Kabat Mala Dama.” Nažalost, nisu uspeli da se plasiraju u finale iz prvog puta. Njihov poslednji nastup bio je Gipsy cz’s i ostao je dobro upamćen, jer je ostavio dobar utisak na publiku 2009 godine. Nadamo se da će nas ove godine još više iznenaditi svojim nastupom. Želimo im sreću!
We have a great news! We’re really happy to announce that Czech Republic will join us again in 2015! After 5 years of break, Czech Republic will finally come back to us again and make its ESC family even more complete. We suppose that czech television is very happy that they came back in such a wonderful competition. Czech Republic entered for the three times in previous years, and surprised us every time with a unique sound, and its entrance always showed something new. We are sure that they will amaze us with a quality of their entrance and that they will bring energy characteristic only for their country. We heard that they’re really proud of this year’s choice of the song and we’re convinced that they will shine. Song will be chosen by expert jury. 5 songs which are composed by well known composers will be represented to them. We are sure that they will do their job well. Czech Republic entered on ESC for the first time in 2007, when they performed with “Kabat Mala Dama.” Unfortunately, they didn’t manage to pass to the final from the first time. Their last entrance was Gipsy cz’s, and it’s well remembered, because it left good impression on the audience in 2009. We hope that they will surprise us even more with their entrance this year. We wish them luck!