Eventhough the X Factor seems as a great oportunity for success and career of the young people, not everything goes the way its planned…Not everything is so great for the last year’s winner of the X Factor Daniel Kajmakoski. Even though Daniel has the right on everything what’s promised to him as the winner of the X Factor, he didn’t get anything from the production. He didn’t get promised 200.000 euros, credit card, album, nor the cooperation with public house “Sony” which was promised to him with a contract. Even the car he got isn’t on his name, but on the name of production, because production didn’t pay for the transfer of the ownership. He should show up in the first TV show of the second season of X Factor, but he said that he’ll do it only if the production fills the obligations for him. We heard that the production will be changed this year, so we hope that the second season of the show will be different when we speak about obligations toward participants of the contest.