SBS Television hosted a press conference where they would announce the Australian contestant in the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest.

Ekran Alıntısı
Australia will be at Eurovision plartform for the fist time in Vienna. And Guy is first participant for Austalia. If Australia won’t the contest this year, he will be last participant at the same time.

“I’m pumped. I mean it’s Eurovision. It’s such a huge audience and such a huge production,” he told SBS, at a special event at the Sydney Opera House on Thursday morning.

“The song that we end up choosing will definitely be something that I want to move people with. Whatever I do I want to make it cut through. So if I do a big up-temp (song) I want it to be super fun., Or if I do a ballad I want to try to make people cry,” he said.

Although Australia broadcasts the contest every year, this year is the first time for them. Guy will compate with her/his competitors in the grand final 23th May.

Last year  Jessica took part for interval act. Her show included many Australian sign. This year we can see more signs related with Australia.