Here we are Eurovision Rehearsal Officially started and here is our first impressions about first four rehearsals.


Not just only for a opening act for Eurovision 2016 It was actually awesome for a great beginning to a busy week. Volunteers and press were dancing in Press centre with Sing It Away. Finland really used the camera angles really good also they used catwalk really successfully.  And she was dancing with her 5 back vocalists. And actually at the end of the show her back vocalists were coming like in Molly Petterson Hammar’s I’ll Be Fine Performance.




Unfortunately because of some issues we couldn’t hear the live vocals of Argo and I can say that their staging carried the song. And the parts which women sing is really good especially their choreographies are really good with women vocalists but when the Rap part comes I can’t say the same as I said for women. Their dancing traditionally but they trying to be modern but it looks weird actually.



Actually staging started really simple and it wasn’t something great but in a unexpected moment an astronaut comes and everybody in press centre was like “What!” than in last one moment Lidia is really grows on stage with wind machine and lights. But I’m not sure if it can stand out in the third room.




It was really similar to the A Dal performance but but they used the LED Screen on the floor really great that it kinda carries the staging and Freddie’s vocals were really good.  And the drum sticks with lights were missing on the Rehearsals. He was singing with his three back vocalists like in A Dal.