INFE Network is the newest proposal for Eurovision Fanclubs and Fans. The Network is run by The Greek Eurovision Song Contest Fan Club and has departments in Germany, Turkey, Serbia, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus and more!
The main aim and purpose of this Network is to gather all fans from Europe and the other continents, which do not belong in any other network, and to promote the idea of being a member of a fan club and the Eurovision Family of Events. The network so far counts 3500 people but the aim is much higher!
INFE Almanya/Germany |
INFE Avustralya/Australia |
INFE Azerbaycan/Azerbaijan |
INFE Belarus |
INFE Çekya/Czechia |
INFE Fransa/Fransa |
INFE İspanya/Spain |
INFE Kıbrıs/Cyprus |
INFE Makedonya/N. Macedonia |
INFE Polonya/Poland |
INFE Türkiye/Turkey |
INFE Yunanistan/Greece |
INFE Birleşik Krallık/UK |
INFE Gürcistan/Georgia |
INFE Ukrayna/Ukraine |
INFE Rusya/Russia |
INFE Romanya/Romania |
INFE Macaristan/Hungary |
INFE Rest of the World |
INFE Portekiz/Portugal |