Moldova has chosen their representive in Vienna with O Melodie Pentru Europa 2015 and winner is Eduard Romanyuta “I Want Your Love”The jury consist of Adrian Beldiman (composer, Radio Moldova chief producer), Iurie Badicu (producer), Aurel Chirtoacă (singer), Aliona Triboi (singer), Andrei Sava (composer), Victor Buruiană (songwriter) and Vlad Costandoi (producer).
The winner of the final has decided by 50% jury/50% televote.
1 Miss M “Lonely Stranger”
2 Irina Kitoroagă “I’m Gonna Get You”
3 Eduard Romanyuta “I Want Your Love”
4 Dana Markitan “Love Me”
5 Diana Brescan “Up and Down”
6 Donița Gherman “Inimă fierbinte”
7 DoReDoS “Maricica”
8 Stela Boțan “Save Me”
9 Mihaela Andrei “About Love”
10 Lidia Isac “I Can’t Breathe”
11 Glam Girls “Magia”
12 Sunstroke Project & Michael Ra “Day After Day”
13 Julia Sandu “Fire”
14 Serj Kuzenkoff “Danu năzdrăvanu”
15 Marcel Roșca “Feelings Will Never Leave”
16 Valeria Pașa “I Can Change All My Life”
Listen Moldova’s Choice: