About 20 years ago Eurovision was just “Be part of Europe, it’s European!” but today
Eurovision Song Contest become world’s biggest music event. I realized that when I met with a guy from Phillipines in Copenhagen. He was really a crazy fan from there.
It is clear that EBU realized this truth like me so we watched Australia on the stage in Copenhagen as an interval act. Jessica Mauboy promoted her culture to Europe. This made Eurovision become more popular in Australia.
After Australia, to be interested with Eurovision become popular in it’s neighbor “New Zealand”. New Zealand’s popular website www.stuff.co.nz added Vienna to “The 17 Hottest Cities To Visit in 2015” list then they suggested to be guests for joining Eurovision :
“Don’t miss: On May 23, 2015, the Wiener Stadthalle will host Europe’s annual kitschfest of power balladry, ludicrous costumes and dubious bloc voting. The Eurovision Song Contest may be great fun watched at a booze-fuelled party, but attending in person takes it to a whole new level. Expect Vienna to be taken over by an Olympics-style atmosphere, where people from across Europe actively want to mingle, swap flags and share more than a few beers.”