When you think about #Melfest one thing which comes to your mind is Sanna Nielsen she competed seven times in #Melfest and she was the host of #Melfest 2015. She won at her seventh attend and just after that she released an album named “7” .

Frans will represent Sweden in Stockholm at Eurovision 2016 and former #Melfest winner Sanna Nielsen talk about her experiences to Frans.

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Sanna Nielsen said:

I’m sure that there are lots of really bad and really good songs comments to your song don’t be over the moon with the good comments or don’t be sad or mad because of bad comments. From now on time is really important for you. You will be busy way more than you think. On Monday which just after my victory we started to the busy schedule with SVT meeting. Actually busy schedule started for me when I went to my room to change for Afterparty. Your most angry moment will be the moment when they took the trophy from you.