Kazakhstan’s minister of culture and youth Arystanbek Mukhamediuly gave a speech on 22th of May including the Turkvision Song Contest.
He said “End of the August Kazakhstan will host Türkvizyon Song Contest.The contest aims to promote Turkic culture, expand the sphere of influence of Turkic musicians, create a common cultural space and establish friendly relations between fraternal peoples and countries.
This is a unique competition, which now exceeds the Eurovision in terms of viewers’ reach and significance. We are used to think that the Turkic countries are the countries of Central Asia, Turkey or part of Mongolia. But we forget that the Turkic-speaking population also lives in the USA, Macedonia and Europe. Three years ago, when this contest was held in Kazan, the participants were from 56 countries. Therefore, it is a great honor for us that we will conduct such a popular competition within the framework of EXPO. This will attract attention to us. Thanks to such events, the whole world will know about Kazakhstan”
The speech can be interpretable that the countries outside the Turkic world will or can participate to the contest.
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